Welcome to my weekly meme Tell Me Something Tuesday where I ask you something and you tell me the answer!! It’s as simple as that and I thought it would be a great way for all of us bloggers to get to know one another! So this is how it works: I post a question here on my blog and then i give my answer. I invite all the bloggers to take the question and post it on their blog with their answer and we can hop around and see what everyone says! If you are a blogger don’t forget to leave your link atRead More →

Welcome to Movie Monday!! Where we are hanging onto the weekend just a little bit longer and taking a bite out of the dreaded Monday with a little bit of fun! Movie Monday is a place where you can find movie reviews (by me!), trailers and other fun movie information. The movies are not limited to any genre… look for movies old and new… and feel free to leave a comment to tell us if you watched the movie, loved it, liked it or would rather never see it again! You can even recommend one to us all! So let’s get to the movie! Title: Mission Impossible: GhostRead More →

Welcome to my weekly meme Tell Me Something Tuesday where I ask you something and you tell me the answer!! It’s as simple as that and I thought it would be a great way for all of us bloggers to get to know one another! So this is how it works: I post a question here on my blog and then i give my answer. I invite all the bloggers to take the question and post it on their blog with their answer and we can hop around and see what everyone says! If you are a blogger don’t forget to leave your link atRead More →

Welcome to Movie Monday!! Where we are hanging onto the weekend just a little bit longer and taking a bite out of the dreaded Monday with a little bit of fun! Movie Monday is a place where you can find movie reviews (by me!), trailers and other fun movie information. The movies are not limited to any genre… look for movies old and new… and feel free to leave a comment to tell us if you watched the movie, loved it, liked it or would rather never see it again! You can even recommend one to us all! So let’s get to the movie!   Movie Title: SnowRead More →

Book Pirating. The not so good, the bad and the ugly. But you CAN do something about it.   Today I am going to talk a bit about a subject I have mostly stayed pretty quiet about. Ebook pirating. I am sure most of you know about book pirating. If you don’t let me give you a quick rundown: Book pirating is when someone uploads a copy of an Ebook (in any or various formats) and then uploads in on the internet for people to download for free.  Remember years ago when the big uproar was happening over music downloads and the artists were upsetRead More →

Welcome to my weekly meme Tell Me Something Tuesday where I ask you something and you tell me the answer!! It’s as simple as that and I thought it would be a great way for all of us bloggers to get to know one another! So this is how it works: I post a question here on my blog and then i give my answer. I invite all the bloggers to take the question and post it on their blog with their answer and we can hop around and see what everyone says! If you are a blogger don’t forget to leave your link atRead More →

Welcome to Movie Monday!! Where we are hanging onto the weekend just a little bit longer and taking a bite out of the dreaded Monday with a little bit of fun! Movie Monday is a place where you can find movie reviews (by me!), trailers and other fun movie information. The movies are not limited to any genre… look for movies old and new… and feel free to leave a comment to tell us if you watched the movie, loved it, liked it or would rather never see it again! You can even recommend one to us all! So let’s get to the movie! Welcome to Movie MondayRead More →