It’s Cover Reveal Day! Along with the reveal I have some news and a pre-order! But first let’s get to the pretty 🙂 I know that’s what you want to see most! #BLUR FULL WRAP ABOUT Nothing but a #blur… There’s a new kid in town, and he’s hell on wheels. From what we’ve heard, it may be because he knows exactly what hell’s like. Lonely. Scorching. Unforgiving. You may know his brother, the NRR hotshot (and former GearShark cover model) Lorhaven. It’s only natural a driver with his background and family connections has sped his racecar into the newest, hottest division. But that’s notRead More →

People have been asking… They’ve been waiting. Arrow has climbed into many hearts and has also stirred a bunch of questions. Who is he besides Lorhaven’s little brother? What has he been through and will he every get a happy ending? Are you ready to find out? Today I bring you the Blurb reveal, cover reveal sign ups and a release date for #BLUR. ABOUT BLUR: There’s a new kid in town, and he’s hell on wheels. From what we’ve heard, it may be because he knows exactly what hell’s like. Lonely. Scorching. Unforgiving. You may know his brother, the NRR hotshot (and former GearSharkRead More →

I haven’t written anything since #Swag released last month. That sentence was easy to type, but I swear the earth shook beneath me when I wrote it. I had a “schedule” planned out, dates picked out for upcoming releases – I’ve blown that schedule all to hell because I haven’t written anything in several weeks. The final book in the GearShark series, #BLUR (Arrow’s book) I planned to release later this month. I’m still on chapter one. Actually, baring the Hashtag Series announcement I just made, my release schedule is shifted around even more, so Arrow might be frozen on Ch. 1 for a littleRead More →