Book Pirating. The not so good, the bad and the ugly. But you CAN do something about it.   Today I am going to talk a bit about a subject I have mostly stayed pretty quiet about. Ebook pirating. I am sure most of you know about book pirating. If you don’t let me give you a quick rundown: Book pirating is when someone uploads a copy of an Ebook (in any or various formats) and then uploads in on the internet for people to download for free.  Remember years ago when the big uproar was happening over music downloads and the artists were upsetRead More →

Welcome to my weekly meme Tell Me Something Tuesday where I ask you something and you tell me the answer!! It’s as simple as that and I thought it would be a great way for all of us bloggers to get to know one another! So this is how it works: I post a question here on my blog and then i give my answer. I invite all the bloggers to take the question and post it on their blog with their answer and we can hop around and see what everyone says! If you are a blogger don’t forget to leave your link atRead More →

Welcome to Movie Monday!! Where we are hanging onto the weekend just a little bit longer and taking a bite out of the dreaded Monday with a little bit of fun! Movie Monday is a place where you can find movie reviews (by me!), trailers and other fun movie information. The movies are not limited to any genre… look for movies old and new… and feel free to leave a comment to tell us if you watched the movie, loved it, liked it or would rather never see it again! You can even recommend one to us all! So let’s get to the movie! Welcome to Movie MondayRead More →

Hey Everyone! So I know I have been kind of MIA lately… yes, I have been posting some updates on FB and such but seeing how FB has the new “promoted pages” thing and only let’s a few of you see my posts now (What is up with that?!) you might not know where I was. Never Fear! Cambria is here! BAH HA HA HA. Okay, that was really corny. Admit it, you missed me. LOL. Anywhoo, I thought I would post a little about what I have been up to and show you some pictures. I have no idea if any of you wantRead More →

Hey everyone! I want to give a warm welcome to Beth Ann Masarik and the latest book that she has compiled (and edited). It’s called Writings From the Heart and all proceeds of this book go to a worthy cause. So without further delay I will turn everything over to Beth Ann! Hello everyone!  My name is Beth Ann Masarik, and today I am here to talk to you about an anthology that I put together for charity.  The anthology is called Writings From the Heart: Stories and Poetry From Around the World.  30 poets and authors contributed to this great book, and all toRead More →

  Welcome to my weekly meme Tell Me Something Tuesday where I ask you something and you tell me the answer!! It’s as simple as that and I thought it would be a great way for all of us bloggers to get to know one another! So this is how it works: I post a question here on my blog and then i give my answer. I invite all the bloggers to take the question and post it on their blog with their answer and we can hop around and see what everyone says! If you are a blogger don’t forget to leave your linkRead More →

  Welcome to my weekly meme Tell Me Something Tuesday where I ask you something and you tell me the answer!! It’s as simple as that and I thought it would be a great way for all of us bloggers to get to know one another! So this is how it works: I post a question here on my blog and then i give my answer. I invite all the bloggers to take the question and post it on their blog with their answer and we can hop around and see what everyone says! If you are a blogger don’t forget to leave your linkRead More →

Title: The Ghost and the Goth Author: Stacey Kade Genre: YA paranormal/fantasy Format: print and Ebook Publisher: Hyperion 2010   Synopsis (courtesy of GoodReads) Alona Dare–Senior in high school, co-captain of the cheerleading squad, Homecoming Queen three years in a row, voted most likely to marry a movie star… and newly dead. I’m the girl you hated in high school. Is it my fault I was born with it all-good looks, silky blond hair, a hot bod, and a keen sense of what everyone else should not be wearing? But my life isn’t perfect, especially since I died. Run over by a bus of bandRead More →

  Something Wicked Comes… Are you excited? I know I am!! This blog event is going to be HUGE. It’s gonna be EPIC. If you aren’t involved what are you waiting for? Besides being hosted by the awesome Heidi @Rainy Day Ramblings and Lila @Babbling About Books its going on during my most favorite month of the year! October has always been my favorite month and I can’t think of a better way to celebrate this month that with Something Wicked Comes. So what is it? Here is what Heidi has to say about it: Something Wicked Comes….bringing Zombies, Werewolves, Vampires, Ghosts, Witches and moreRead More →

Man oh Man am I excited!! Today I have the pleasure of revealing the newest book cover in the Dirty Blood Series by Heather Hildenbrand! BLOOD BOND is the third book in this series and I just know it will be filled with awesomeness. This series is one of my FAV werewolf series around – and you know I love me some werewolves!! Nevermind the fact that there is a character named after me in this book and I might FINALLY get me a WEREWOLF!!!! If I do… I will seriously PEE my pants. Heather Hildenbrand hasn’t spilled NOTHING about what Cambria is up toRead More →