Title: Beastly Director: Daniel Barnes Format: DVD released June 2011 Rating: PG-13 Genre: Young adult, Romance, Fantasy Starring: Alex Pettyfer, Vanessa Hugens, Mary-Kate Olsen, Neil Patrick Harris Kyle is a total hottie. He’s tall, got a perfectly tousled head of blond hair, a chiseled jaw and a rockin’ bod. What’s not to love? Ummmm, his personality. Sure he’s looking hot, but then he opens up those kissable lips. Ooops. Should’ve left them closed. Cause now my dreams for the prefect man are shattered…. ……or are they? Upon acting like a complete and utter jerkface, he pisses off the one gal you should never cross:Read More →

Title: Just Go With It Director: Dennis Dugan Genre: Comedy, Romance Format: DVD released June 2011 Rating: PG-13 Starring: Adam Sandler, Jennifer Aniston, Nicole Kidman and Brooklyn Decker In this movie Adam Sandler plays a plastic surgeon who wears a wedding ring to pick up women. He has his craft – playing the stilted husband – finely honed. While at a party he meets a girl that he likes – he likes her enough that he takes the ring off and slips it in his pocket. Too bad she finds it….in the morning. After a night of hanky-panky. Obviously she is very upset because heRead More →

Hey guys! It’s time for a round of Blog Tag! What is Blog Tag? A game of course! Actually, its a series of questions that I was ‘tagged’ to answer about myself. I thought this would be fun because my blog is so new and it would give everyone a chance to get to know me better. Also, I want to put out a little challenge/request to all my followers and non-followers out there: If you see a question in this list that you love – share the answer with me! I would love to get to know all of you!! So before I get toRead More →

                                                                        Title: The Dilemma                                                       Director: Ron Howard Genre: Comedy Format: DVD and Digital Download Rating: PG-13 Starring: Vince Vaughn, Kevin James, Jennifer Connelly, Winona Ryder, Channing Tatum and Queen Latifah       Since college, Ronny and Nick have been best friends. Now, they are partners in an auto design business, and they are vying for a deal that could land them a lot of prestige and a lot of money. Nick (the brain behind the designing) is feeling the pressure of delivering the best design of his life and his wife, Geneva(played by Winona Ryder) is by his side. Ronny, a confirmed bachelor, seems to beRead More →