Title: Storm Born Issue #3 Author: Richelle Mead Publisher: Sea Lion Books Genre: Fantasy, Paranormal, Adult Format: Paperback The cloud of unanswered questions grows bigger in Issue #3 of the Storm Born Series. Eugenie Markham AKA Odile marches her fine redheaded self right into the otherworld, a dangerous place where peeps are up to no good and horny as hell. Something I have yet to discern. What is it that makes these people so ready for the tango? I mean sure, they’re men, but still. And why is it that they all seem to want Eugenie? I think I may have discovered the secret orRead More →

Hey Peeps!!! I started this blog back in late June and here we are already in September!!! As you may or may not know The Unlocked Diary is almost to its 100th follower!!! Only 11 more followers are needed to get there. Because of this I am going to announce a giveaway! When this blog reaches its 100th follower I will be giving away a 15$ Barnes and Nobles gift card! How awesome is that? You can get books galore there, they even have other goodies like stationary, calendars and games! I have even seen some great little handbags and NOOK covers. There is evenRead More →

Hey Peeps!!I have got a Monday buster for you!! Sea Lion Books sent me Pariah Issue #1 and #2 for review and I have the inside scoop on all things graphic novel! This series is fabulous and even if you haven’t read a graphic novel before, you should definitely give them a try. They are fast, easy reads but they are fun!!! And as an extra special monday treat I have the first 6 pages of both issues for you to preview! How awesome is that? I want to give a big shout out to Sea Lion Books for such an awesome chance! Now withoutRead More →

Hey Peeps! I have got something fabulouso this weekend!!! A guest post from a fellow blogger! Jenn over at Indie Supporter has become a good friend to me as well as a wealth of information! Visit her blog http://indiesupporter.blogspot.com/ and follow her. You will get awesome interviews and some really great tips that she discovers in her journey through the writing and publishing world! Today I am posting a little taste of Jenn…. (and what she has to say is yummy!) So, without delay I will allow Jenn to explain more about her post: Oh! Wait! One more thing… Jenn wrote this post for IndieRead More →

Hey Peeps!!Well Man Week is drawing to a close. I know, I know, its a sad day…. but I am here to give away FREE books! YAY for that. Just what we all need to get over the mid-week slump. Just in case you missed Man Week (SHAME on you!!) then allow me to recap. I interviewed two Manly Men who gave honest and fun answers to my nosey questions and then I gave a few fun (And True) facts about men. There was also some eye candy, which there may be more of that at the end of this post…so stay tuned… Now, ontoRead More →

Hey Peeps!  In honor of “Man Week” I thought I would do something really fun!! Make fun of them! LOL. Okay, not really make fun of them because what I am about to post are FACTS! That’s right, the solemn truth, as told to me by the internet. Hey, you gotta love Google. 🙂 Maybe these facts will help us decode even more about Man: One in three male motorist picks their nose while driving.   (Somehow I am not surprised – in fact, I think it should be more like 2 out of 3…) 40% of women have hurled footwear at a man. (When willRead More →

Hey Peeps!Having Splitter here at The Unlocked Diary has been inspiring and also very informative into the mind of man. So I decided to be brave and yet again interview another man. What will we learn here today? Lots of stuff. Writing tips from another great writer, discussion about any mob presence in NY and what kind of flowers a guy ahould bring a woman. Its all highly informative so I suggest you stick around. Today’s guest is: Nicholas Denmon author of For Nothing and Mafia Crime thriller. I have read this book and it is great! So far it has been great great reviewsRead More →

It’s “Man Week” – Do you know what that means? It means The Unlocked Diary is going to delve into the mind of Man and try and figure out just what goes on in there. Yes, I know, I am very brave. Do I think I’ll be successful? I have no idea. But I DO know that I have some fun stuff planned for my first ever “Man Week”. I have got two Manly authors and interviews this week who are both offering up a book (maybe two) to giveaway! In those interviews you will learn about their writing but also their feelings on thingsRead More →

Werewolf Week around here was the most successful week here at The Unlocked Diary and if any of my Peeps remember we closed out Werewolf Week with an interview and a giveaway with Heather Hildenbrand and her novel Dirty Blood. Well…. Dirty Blood has received a facelift! Check out the brand new cover for Heather Hildenbrand’s newest YA paranormal romance, now available as an ebook on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords and other major ebook retail outlets for just $0.99! Also available in paperback from Amazon or CreateSpace for $11 plus shipping, or visit her website at www.heatherhildenbrand.blogspot.com for more information or to order aRead More →

Hey peeps!! Its Sunday and you know what that means!! I am here to announce the winner of the signed paperback copy of Seranfyll! I want to thank everyone for entering, this has been the most successful giveaway I have hosted so far! You guys are great!! I only have on book to giveaway but no worries, there will be other giveaways and other awesome prizes!! So without further delay I give you the winner: Denise Z Congratulations Denise!!! I will be emailing you for your mailing address and Christina will mail out your prize soon!Read More →