Title: Abduction Director: John Singleton Rating: PG-13 Genre: Action, Suspense Format: In theaters now Starring: Taylor Lautner, Lilly Collins, Alfred Molina Nathan is a carefree teen with a normal suburban life, living with his two parents and crushing on the girl next door…. Until one day he sees a photo of him from childhood on a missing person’s website. At first he doesn’t believe that the little boy could be him but he can’t shake the odd feeling he has so with the click of a button he ages the photo and is left staring at a picture of himself… Which leads me to theRead More →

Hey Peeps! It’s Friday!! The end of the week is near and the weekend is just around the corner! But we aren’t at Saturday yet. Nope. Nuh-huh. And I know you might be at work or home and just staring at the clock wishing it would just come on already… so hows about a little break? Today I am continuing my Adventures in Publishing Segment with and interview with an Editor. Now, this editor isn’t just any editor. Nope. She has – on occasion – admitted to wearing a poncho and goggles to edit in. Clearly she’s very serious about her job.  🙂 My guestRead More →

Well The Unlocked Diary made it to 100 followers! Actaully I am 124 followers! Yay! You guys are so awesome!!! So I did say that I was going to be giving away a 15$ BN gift card when I hit 100… well we did and I haven’t done the giveaway. Until now!!!!!!! The winner of the $15 Barnes and Noble gift card is : Stephanie @ FAB Congrats girl! I will be in touch to send you your prize!!!! Bummed you didn’t win?No Problem. As you all know my book comes out in December and I have a short coming out in November…. and IRead More →

Hey Peeps! I thought I would start out the week here at The Unlocked Diary with a Guest Review from author Dale Ibitz. I read this review of hers and it just got me really excited about this book and I thought it was something to bring to my people (yes, you). I love, love the cover for this book and after reading Dale’s review I added it to my TBR list on GoodReads. So before the review I thought I would tell you a litte about Dale, who is a member of my Creative Reviews group on GR (our button is over there onRead More →

Hey Peeps!!It’s finally Friday!! Are as thrilled as I am that its the weekend? It felt like a marathon to get to the end of the week but we did it! Today I have something fun for you guys… an interview with a fellow Otherworld Publications author. (FYI Otherworlds Logo is over there on the right– you can click it to visit their website). Beth Ann Masarik is here today. Beth Ann’s debut novel The World Among Us was published recently and she also has a short story published titled Murderous Regrets (don’t we all have some of those? Oh, we don’t? Forget I saidRead More →

Hey Peeps! I know, I’ve been MIA all weekend. I apologize for letting the blog just sit but hey, a girl’s gotta get away sometimes, and I did. But now I am back and ready to blog my little heart out! I thought I would do something fun today, something I haven’t done in a while. A movie review. And what movie am I gonna review for you today? A scary movie. A movie that maybe some of you wanted to see and others think is silly…. Title: Scream 4 Director: Wes Craven Rating: R for violence (lots of blood, peeps), Teen drinking and language Genre: Horror, ScaryRead More →

Hey Peeps!!My last post was a long winded afair about my debut novel Masquerade and my journey to getting published. Well this post is also about another publishing project that I have coming up but I promise it won’t be as long winded. 🙂 As I previously mentioned Otherworld Publications is publishing Masquerade and recently Lynn contacted me and asked if I would be interested in writing a short story – a teaser- to get people excited about Masquerade. Of course I was thrilled!!! I said YES immediately and got to work. So, this brings me to my announcement. On Novemeber 18, 2011 my short storyRead More →

Some of you have no doubt already heard all about this but some of you might not have yet. I have announced this everywhere but here, at The Unocked Diary, so this is long overdue. Even if you have heard about my announcement you haven’t heard it all, so stick around!! I am so excited to share that back in August I recieved a publishing contract from Otherworld Publications to publish my debut novel Masquerade!! As you can imagine I am super excited and I cannot wait to see this book in print and hold it in my hands. I’ll probably cry all over itRead More →

Hey Peeps!You do not want to miss this today. I repeat, You do not want to miss this. I have a fantastic interview today with Brett Tally author of That Which Should Not Be. This book is perfect for upcoming Halloween so you should grab a copy…. or…..you could win it here!! But that’s not for me to tell you about. That’s for Amy to tell you about.That’s right, Amy Eye, Editor of most excellence, radio show co-host, Creative Reviews Moderator, yadda yadda yadda, if i told you all of her accomplishments we’d be here all day. But one more, she is a great friendRead More →

Apparently, our governement is keeping something from us. Something that we all really need. Today, Jenn, a fabulous friend of mine over at Indie Supporter (check out her rocking button on the right hand side of my page) is blowing the cover off the governement’s biggest secret. I thought that this was a fabulous Random post for the weekend!!  Jenn has cooked up a fun yet informative post. FREE MY EGGS!!!!  Now before she tells us her secret let me give you her blog address so you can follow her. http://www.indiesupoorter.com/ I give you Secret Agent Jenn: First off,  a big huge fat THANK YOURead More →