Yep. You see that right.

Another GearShark book.

This right here has been my MOST requested book. Yes, what’s even more requested is a TV show or movie for the #Hashtag series. If I had the power to just create a tv show on my own wouldn’t that be magical? I’m not magical.

But I can create another book. I almost cringe when I open up questions for readers because this is how it goes EVERY time:

“When is the hashtag movie / tv show coming out?”

“Will you write another book for Trent and Drew?”

I also would like to make it clear that I am NOT writing this book ONLY because people keep asking. I would sincerely NOT write it if I didn’t have the ideas. If I didn’t have the inspiration. Because quite honestly? I’m scared of this book. I’ve had this book idea for a LONG time. I mean well over a year. I’ve had the cover I’m revealing today for a year.

DO YOU KNOW how hard its been sitting on this gorgeous cover for so long? That I kept my mouth shut every single time someone asked me for this book?

Like hella hard.

That right there tells you something though, right? As bad as I wanted to show this off, as bad as I wanted to write more of my boys… I am scared. This series is my most favorite that I have written. I *personally* consider my best writing. I do not. Repeat: DO NOT want to mess that up. I don’t want to do anything that will take away any kind of “perfection” this series – that Trent & Drew- have.

Please note, I am not saying these books are perfect. They aren’t. None of my books are perfect. Far from it. I’m just saying how I personally feel.

I really feel like I’m playing with fire here. I want so badly to do these boys justice. I want to give you guys what you want. Above all, I want to do these boys justice.

I’m not finished writing this book yet (yes, I’m crazy) so I can’t say if I feel I have done that yet – so if you want my thoughts on that you can read the author’s note at the end of the book.

So today is sort of a big day for me. And I think for all of us, because when I dropped the teaser and announcement for this book people were dropping like flies. lol. No pressure or anything, right? *bites nails*

So without anymore delay… let me show you the book that is seriously coming from my heart. And let me show you the cover that is my most favorite of all of my 40+ book covers.

Ladies & gentleman…. GearShark Series #6…. #FATE.


Title: #FATE (GearShark Series #6)

Release Date: November 4, 2019 (Pre-Order Now!)

Author: Cambria Hebert

Genre: Male/male romance

Cover Design: Cover Me Darling

Photo Image (front): Rick Day

Photo Image (back): Dexter Brown

Model (front): Ripp Baker

Model (back): Andrew Leighty

Pre-Order Now

Amazon http://bit.ly/FateAmazon

Apple http://bit.ly/FateApple

Kobo http://bit.ly/Fatekobo

BN http://bit.ly/FateBN



What’s meant to be will always find a way.

Perfection isn’t an illusion.

I met it, held it in my hands.

But then it slipped right through.

Perfection isn’t an illusion.

It’s elusive, cleverly evasive, and, in many ways, a horrible tease.

I’m not a man to be toyed with.

Quiet, thoughtful, and even sometimes careful,

but never someone to taunt.

Even the most controlled men have a breaking point.

I just met mine.

Why mess with perfection?

You don’t.

Unless perfection messes with you.


*#Fate is book 6 in the GearShark series and is NOT a standalone




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