Welcome to my weekly meme Tell Me Something Tuesday where I ask you something and you tell me the answer!! It’s as simple as that and I thought it would be a great way for all of us bloggers to get to know one another! So this is how it works: I post a question here on my blog and then i give my answer. I invite all the bloggers to take the question and post it on their blog with their answer and we can hop around and see what everyone says! If you are a blogger don’t forget to leave your link at the bottom of this post! If you aren’t a blogger – that’s okay too!! Leave your answer in the comments section!

Please Note: This is MY final post as the Tell Me Something Tuesday Host. Heidi over at Rainy Day Ramblings will be taking over the Meme and will begin on Jan 22nd. Her blog is awesome and I have no doubt this Meme will spread all over blogs under her direction. You can find her site here: http://www.rainydayramblings.com

I have had a wonderful time hosting TMST and getting to know the people who participated. So let’s get to my final TMST question.

 Tell Me Something:

What are your New Year’s Resolutions for 2013?

My Answer: For year’s I would shy away from making New Year’s Resolutions because I never keep them. LOL. I would always say “I will stop biting my nails” (yes its a horrible habit that I will probably do until I die) or “I’m going to lose weight” or “I’m going to save a ton of money”. Now these goals aren’t necessarily bad they are just hard and sometimes I would give up or plain forget.

SO i decided to change the way I looked at Resolutions. Maybe just use them as goals and motivations to achieve things I want to achieve. Like a couple years ago I resolved to find a publisher or get published… I made it happen through sheer determination.

Last year I said I wanted to travel more in 2012…. did it happen? Nope. LOL. (see what I mean about resolutions?) Although, I did move from NC to PA so we were very busy. Its actually been a long year for me, LOL.

what about 2013? For 2013 I am going to set some goals. My goals are:

Finish publishing the Heven and Hell series

Publish at least 2 books in my new Death Escorts series (really would love to publish three)

Pressure myself less – reduce stress (Im not really sure how I am going to accomplish this yet…. any recommendations?)

Take at least 2 trips. (I am going to UtopYA in June so that counts right? I’ve never been to TN so I am looking forward to it)

Clean up my diet (As in eat more veggies and fruits) + work out at least 5-6 days a week. (this is a goal I strive for every year and I do pretty good but I would like to do a little better on the diet end)

It’s a long list, I think full of things that take continuous effort. These aren’t things I can just do and be done, but I think anything in life that is really worth something it takes a continuous effort. I’m going to do my best and hopefully by the end of 2013 I can have check marks next to many of the things listed above!

So what about you? What are your new year’s resolutions?


*I want to thank everyone who pariticpated in TMST at some point. I really appreciate your support and I hope you stop by from time to time in 2013!



  1. Happy new year! Those are all great goals. I have about 10+ goal and every year I don’t do it, but this year I am. I REALLY AM DON’T LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT PEOPLE.
    My goals (Although I think no one will read it)

    -Learn sign language
    -Learn Latin
    -Learn Spanish
    -Learn how to ice skate
    -Learn how to skate board
    -Finish my book list before the summer
    -Save enough money for a new bike
    -Get all A’s in my classes.
    -Get better at roller skating
    -Remember it’s 2013 instead of 2012 when I write the date
    -Learn more about Greek Mythology
    -Grow my hair long (That’s easy)
    -Walk 15+ minutes every day with my dog.

    Yeah… it’s a long list. 😀

    1. Those are great goals Liv! Roller skating sounds like a fun one to have LOL! Growing your hair is easy but Im so impatient. I’ve been growing mine for a couple years and it seems like it takes forever, lol.
      I love Greek Mythology too….

      You have some wonderful goals for 2013. I wish you the best of luck at accomplishing them!

  2. Thanks for the handoff. Sorry I have been AWOL but I needed a bloggy break. My resolutions….well to get back on track with healthy eating we fell off the wagon this week and get back on my exercise regime and keep reading and blogging. That is it!

    1. I totally understand about the break! Keeping up is hard, lol.
      Yes, i was bad about exercising and healthy eating right before and thru Christmas, I started back into it the very day after Christmas. I think my body went on sugar overload, LOL! anyway, I know you will be great with TMST!

  3. I don’t usually do this as I end up never meeting them but this year that is actually one of my goals is to set some and stick to it.
    – set goals and stick to them
    – Read at least 250 books
    – pay more attention to my health
    – implement a better diet
    – find an exercise routine that I can do
    – walk more
    – spend more time with family and friends
    I should be able to achieve these and more if I stay focused wish me luck all!

    1. I get that Tammy, I always have a hard time sticking to them too. This year I am dedicated just like you!

      Exercise is a great goal to have. Have you tried Tony Horton’s 10 minute trainer ones? they are pretty good and you can do just ten minutes a day and then work up. I like walking too, thats an exercise that anyone can do!

      well good luck with your goals!

    1. LOL, I haven’t been putting a linky bc no one has been particpating (accept Heidi) thanks for joining for my final week as host!

      1. Sorry… I didn’t really have anything to say about the holidays because we don’t celebrate them…

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