Recalled by Cambria Hebert-bookone ebooklg

Recalled is released!

And if that wasn’t awesome enough – it’s on sale for a special price AND there is a giveaway!!!

Special Price Promo


I am super excited about this release and I hope that you all are too! So in honor of this release I am going to have a giveaway. But before I tell you what awesome prize is up for grab let me tell you a little about Recalled, in case you don’t know about it. 🙂


Love or Death? A simple question really. The choice seems obvious. But. What if you never knew love, what if your life was spent just trying to survive? What if you knew your fate before you were fully grown?

And then you died.

And you were given another chance. A better chance.

This new life depended upon one thing: your job. And so you agreed. You thought it would be simple. You thought it would be cut and dry.

It never is.

And now you are left holding the fate of someone else in the palm of your hand and you have to make the ultimate choice.

Love or Death?

Addition information about Recalled

Title: Recalled

Series: Death Escorts

Author: Cambria Hebert

Genre: New Adult Romance with paranormal, thriller and mystery elements

Release Date: February 15, 2013

Format: Will be available in Print and Ebook

Publisher: Cambria Hebert


A little info about the series: Death Escorts is a new series from the author of the Heven and Hell series. This series is unique because each book acts as a stand alone, meaning that you don’t have to read all the books in order to understand each of them. They are all based off of the same idea (that idea being the characters are all Death Escorts) and will have some of the same characters in each book. The series is for new adult readers and beyond and encompasses the elements of romance, thriller, paranormal and fantasy. You will not see vampires, shifters, witches, fae or any type of those kinds of characters in this series.

Recalled Book Trailer




Purchase links:


Barnes and Noble:



Not only is there an epic giveaway going on right here but I have several giveaways going on througout the day today on Facebook. There is not one but TWO release events going on. Swag, tote bags, jewelry, etc are up for grabs so stop by!


a Rafflecopter giveaway


And that’s the giveaway!! Thank you for helping me celebrate the release of Recalled!


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