Today I have some Epic Eye Candy for you all to enjoy! Lizzy Ford has revamped her Ryn Trilogy Book covers. These fantastic reveals are leading up to another fantastic reveal for the newest book Gabriel’s Hope on December 22! And Gabriel’s Hope will be released on December 28th! So get your gift cards ready!!! LOL.


Without delay here are the beauties!

Katie’s Hope (book 2 in the trilogy)
Get it now on amazon!

 Death or Hell?

Three weeks after leaving Rhyn, Katie learns the Immortals have no intention of letting her go despite her deal with their leader. Rhyn discovers he can only protect her if he accepts his place among the Immortals. However, doing so may cost him the only thing that matters. Meanwhile, demons are closing in, and Death orders Katie killed. Death’s assassin and the demons pursue them, and Katie will have to choose between Death or Hell to save Rhyn from both.


Rhyn’s Redemption (book 3 in the series)
Available now! Amazon link:

Rhyn’s life or Katie’s?

Katie and Rhyn are in a race against time to free Katie from the underworld, before Death claims her soul and that of her child. When Katie’s guide in the underworld disappears, she has one option: trust the ghost of someone long-dead and seek out Death’s fortress in order to try to escape through the portal leading back to the mortal world. Rhyn discovers Katie’s alive but struggles to control his demon powers, which were unleashed when he un-bonded her. He opens the barrier that keeps Death safe from the Dark One. Demons and his immortal brothers follow him as he seeks out Death to make a deal for Katie’s life. When Death reveals to Rhyn what will happen if Katie’s soul is returned, he must choose between destruction of the world or his own mate.


And in case you missed the revamp reveal of the first book in the series here is Katie’s Hellion:


Katie's Hellion: Rhyn Trilogy, Book One

Katie thinks she’s going crazy when a baby immortal and death’s personal assistant appear at her doorstep. She’s drawn into a world filled with immortals like Rhyn, an outcast half-breed who claims her as his mate in a show of defiance to his brothers. Rhyn rescues her from Hell and discovers his little human has the gift of immortal immunity that will help his brothers protect the immortal and mortal worlds. But Rhyn must keep her alive from good and bad immortals determined to use her and her gift of immortal immunity to their advantage, and Katie must find a way to trust the outcast of the immortal world.

Amazon link:


Aren’t they gorgeous?! I suggest you pick one up today!



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