Welcome to my weekly meme Tell Me Something Tuesday where I ask you something and you tell me the answer!! It’s as simple as that and I thought it would be a great way for all of us bloggers to get to know one another! So this is how it works: I post a question here on my blog and then i give my answer. I invite all the bloggers to take the question and post it on their blog with their answer and we can hop around and see what everyone says! If you are a blogger don’t forget to leave your link at the bottom of this post! If you aren’t a blogger – that’s okay too!! Leave your answer in the comments section!




 Tell Me Something:

How long is too long between book releases? 

My Answer:

 This is an interesting question because I hear all the time from readers (and I say it sometimes too!) that it is NO fun to read a book you really really love then have to wait an entire year for the next book. It stinks and sometimes it makes me mad. It’s hard to get excited about a really good book and fall in love with characters only to have to wait forever for more.

There are a lot of times that I have read a book, loved it and waited so long for the next one that I have forgotten what happened in the first book. And because I am so busy I don’t want to go back and re-read it just to read the next one. Sometimes, I forget why I was so excited about the book to begin with. That’s sad I know. It makes me sad too bc I am missing out on awesome reads. For example, Hush Hush. I read the first book, loved it and by the time the next ones were out I had forgotten Hush Hush and then got too busy to re read them all. I will pick them up eventually – but in all honesty if the sesond had come out faster I would have read them already.

Then there are the times I wait and wait and wait then rush and get the next book only to be disappointed. 🙁 No good either. But I think that’s another TMST post. 🙂

So what length between books do I think is good? Personally I think 6 months is a good distance between. Yes, that is a while but books do take a lot of time to put together, LOL. I think we readers forget that sometimes. I don’t think i ever appreciated the work that goes into a book until I wrote one, LOL.

That is one of the good things about Indie publishing – is the ability to put the books out faster. With traditional publishing (the big publishing houses) books can take anywhere from a year or even two years to come out! That’s forever! But that can be a good thing too I suppose because the book gets lots of attention and is a quality read.

Anyway, my fonal answer is 6 months. But I have waited longer and will again for the books I really love, 🙂

Can’t wait to hear what you think!

Before you go grab next week’s question:

It’s already September! What book releases are you looking forward to this fall?




  1. I remember as a kid waiting on the next Pern book or next book in the Belgariad or Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever and the wait was interminable, as it was usually at least a year. I would then make a ritual out of re-reading each of the previous books in that series before reading the new one. Heh. I hate having to wait a long time between books, but doing the editing and see how much work goes into the books, I have a lot more sympathy about it, especially for authors who also hold day jobs and have children and all that. If the author has a good team to help her/him, then putting out a book every 3 – 6 months is a good time frame, but having a book that isn’t ready rushed into publication is worse than having to wait the extra time to get a book that is well-done, you know?

    Anyway, sorry for not putting up a whole post today; I’m about ready for bed 🙂

    have a great week!

  2. I reread many series before the next book is release so I am right on track for the next book. Now that I am reviewing, however, I haven’t been able to do that much since I barely have time to read anything other than my TBR pile.

  3. Yep, I pretty much echoed your sentiments. Six months is a good length of time to wait and everything stays fresh. Anything over a year and I will probably forget about it because I am not going to wait that long when there are so many good reads out there and it is easy to get wooed by another pretty cover.

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