Hey Everyone!

So I know I have been kind of MIA lately… yes, I have been posting some updates on FB and such but seeing how FB has the new “promoted pages” thing and only let’s a few of you see my posts now (What is up with that?!) you might not know where I was.

Never Fear! Cambria is here!

BAH HA HA HA. Okay, that was really corny. Admit it, you missed me. LOL.

Anywhoo, I thought I would post a little about what I have been up to and show you some pictures. I have no idea if any of you want to see this stuff but I do know that sometimes fans like to know a little about the writer behind the books. So I hope you enjoy this post.

So far my summer has been packed with moving boxes and packing paper and traveling! About 2 weeks ago I packed up my house in NC (okay, we had movers that came and packed it up and put it all on a moving truck) and we moved to PA.

As most of you know my husband is in the Marine Corp so he got orders back in January for us to move to PA. The nice old Marine Corp kindly gave us one month to move… meaning my husband had to be in PA in February. LOL.

Obviously selling a home and packing up some kids and some pets isn’t really feasible in that amount of time so what happened was that my husband went to Allentown, PA without us and we lived apart until a few weeks ago.

Yes, it really was not fun. But you do what you gotta do. He did get to come home for spring break so that was nice. And no it isn’t the first time we had been apart. In fact these 5 months werew nothing compared to the 11 months he did in Iraq.

Anywhoo, (I like that word) the kids got out of school and the movers came and here we are in PA and I LOVE it. This isn’t the first time I have lived in Pennsylvania. I lived here for 3 years about 4 years ago before we lived in NC. Yes that means that:

I lived in PA and moved to NC then I moved back to PA.

But different parts of PA. LOL.

The part I am living in now is outside of Allentown PA and it is absolutely gorgeous. I can’t even express how much I love it here. The mountains are so beautiful and the woods and nature is stunning.

Now, when I say that I live in the mountain, I mean I live IN the mountain. LOL.

You see, since my husband was living up here before me he actually found the house we are renting. I moved here BEFORE I even saw the place. Is that TRUST or what? Yes, applaud for me… this was a big deal because I am a control freak. LOL. I like to know all about everything and make decisions so this was a leap of faith but this house is perfect for us.

BUT I gotta tell you that when we first drove here we went on all these winding mountainous roads (which aren’t new to me bc I grew up in MD in a mountainous town, but this was WAY more mountainous) I was getting a little nervous…  but the scenery won me over.

There is this walking trail that runs for 30 miles (it is state funded) and my house is right next to a portion of it. So we have been walking every day. Not all 30 miles of course, LOL!!

But the trail goes alongside of a stream, a rocky, rushing, fish filled stream. You can fish in it, you can skip rocks across it (my personal fav) and you can sit and stare at its beauty.

Here are some pictures of the walking trail and stream:




The trees are so dense sometimes I feel like I am in a cove and there are only snippets of sunlight that filter through the canopy of green trees above our heads. There are giant ferns and Hasta’s (green plants) that grow right out of trees that’s roots twist right out of the earth along the bank of the stream. Giant rocks that are blanketed in moss and there is one spot where a tree fell across the stream so you can walk from one side to the other. It’s like a movie but its real.

There have been some other adventures as well. Like our trip to Walmart…


Yes, who thought a trip to walmart could be adventurous. Well, this one was. I typed in walmart to our GPS to find the closest one (thinking it would be in Allentown – which is a HUGE place) but it wasn’t. We started following the GPS and then it took us right through a mountain. Literally. On a dirt road. It wound through this mountain that on the one side if you drove off you would literally roll right down the side of the mountain. It was daytime but it was kind of dark because of all the trees and at times I would burst out laughing because who drives to walkmart on a one lane dirt road over a mountain?

As we were driving I narrated the trip:

Two people set off for what they thought would be an ordinary trip to walmart but instead what they encountered was the worst day of their lives. They were traveling down an unknown road through the mountains of PA when a crazed mountain man accosted them and drug them through the woods… their car was found. They never were…

My husband was like: “Cambria are you tape recording yourself?”


I wasn’t. But I was kind of scared.

We did make it to Walmart and civilization (the walmart was huge!) and then on the way home the GPS took us the same stinking way! This time when we entered the mountain this is the warning we got:


This is the road that took us to Walmart: 


No, I am not kidding… I almost peed my pants.

The whole way home I got a lecture about safety and how I was never to come to this walmart alone… I was to drive to Allentown where it was safe. LOL.

So anyway, that is what I have been up too. Practically gallivanting around a mountain. OH! I also went to a drive in movie theater!!! This was only the second time I have ever been. Have you been? Do you like them?  I think they are fun! We got to see a double feature (for the price of one movie!) of: Rock of Ages and Snow White and the Huntsman.

Here’s what the screen looked like:



And because sometimes I share about my house (if you have ever watched the “In Da House” video of mine) here are a few pictures of my new house:



This is the view from up the road from my house. This is the road I drive on to go grocery shopping. 🙂

So that’s what I have been up too! What about you?


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