Welcome to my weekly meme Tell Me Something Tuesday where I ask you something and you tell me the answer!! It’s as simple as that and I thought it would be a great way for all of us bloggers to get to know one another! So this is how it works: I post a question here on my blog and then i give my answer. I invite all the bloggers to take the question and post it on their blog with their answer and we can hop around and see what everyone says! If you are a blogger don’t forget to leave your link at the bottom of this post! If you aren’t a blogger – that’s okay too!! Leave your answer in the comments section!

 Tell Me Something:

If you were going to be stranded on an island and could bring five items what would they be??

My answer:

So this is a really fun question, I think. I guess because I am a nosy type of person. LOL. Meaning, I like to know all these weird things about people because one: its informative and two: it’s hilarious!! So I have been looking forward to this week’s TMST all week!!

Now, about my answer: I’m going to list 5 things like the question asks but can we please just skip the whole “my family” answer?? LOL. Now that isn’t because I wouldn’t bring them, because I totally would. It’s my default answer. It’s my pbvious answer. I feel practically obligated to list them as number one. But that is NO fun! I mean sure, it would be totally fun to be stranded on an island with my husband and I couldn’t think of a better person to be stuck with but I didn’t say people in the question, now did I?? LOL. So…. if you could all do me a favor and NOT think I am a heartless meanie for not saying my family because the way I see it my family is a given anyway. 🙂

So now that I have given a disclaimer, lol, lets get to my list!



#1 Eye Cream. Specifically, Clinique’s All About Eyes Rich. Yes, there is an All About Eyes but I must have the All About Eyes RICH. There’s a difference people, don’t let the sales girl tell you different. LOL. I use this faithfully, twice a day and have for almost 5 years…. I think its probably my favorite beauty product. It is pricey but a little goes a long way… and I tried the cheaper eye creams from walmart (there is nothing wrong with beauty products from walmart, I use them, just not the eyes cream) but I have really sensitive skin and I literally had burn marks on my eyes. Ouch.

So why eye cream?? There’s gonna be lots of sun on this Island… I don’t want to get wrinkles. A girl needs to stay hydrated. LOL.






 #2 A Barista.

Like you didn’t know I was going to list this. And yeah, yeah, I didn’t list people but this isn’t a person… its a MAGICIAN. A coffee wizard. A sanity keeper…. a MUST HAVE. I need to have my Starbucks and being on an Island is no different. If I didn’t have a barista to make me the coffee concotion of my choice then I would be one grouchy lady. Maybe he will even deiliver it to me with a little tropical umbrella. Very appropriate, yes??

And of course this barista will bring along his own stock to keep me in coffee…. forever. 🙂





#3 My iphone. Seriously, I can’t live without this. I’ve only had a smartphone since last May (so it hasn’t even been a year yet) but I can honestly say that I would be so lost without it. I use that thing forever. It is clutched in my hand at all times like a life line. My case literally has indentations on the side from where I clutch it. LOL. Plus, what a handy little gadget to bring! I would have music all the time, books, access to email, the internet and if I get bored on this little island I can call someone to rescue me… and give them the directions from the GPS on how to find me.

             I know. I’m like MacGyver 


       Of course, my iphone will be super powered and NEVER run     out of battery.






#4 A werewolf. LOL!!! Yes, I said it. Before you roll your eyes think about how practical this choice would be!! If I had a werewolf, I would never get cold, I wouldn’t have to hunt for my own food, I would always have a nice pillow, none of the island wild wildabeasts or natives would mess with me, and I would have someone with brute strength to build me a nice little house. Sounds good to me.  

Note: If I couldn’t find a werewolf, I would just bring a really big blanket instead and then count on my MacGyver ways to get some food. 🙂





                                                     #5 Luna Protein Bars

 Lemon Zest flavor only. Yeah, I’m picky. They have a few other flavors I  like but this is my absolute fav. I eat these ALL the time. Since I am not a big meat eater at all… and I have a feeling my werewolf will be catching a lot of whatever the heck is running around on the island, I figure I need these. 🙂 Gotta get that protein. I can just count on my werewolf to climb the trees and get me some fruit and get in the ocean to catch me some fish (then he can proceed to cook it over a fire and make it look edible meaning: NO eyeballs, scales or tails that I have to see – bleck maybe I will stick to the bars and the milk in my coffee (skim of course!) as my only sources of protein)

So those are my 5 items that I would bring if I were to be stranded on an island! LOL. I cannot wait to read your lists!!!!

Before we go here is next weeks Tell Me Something Tuesday question:

                                                            If you could meet anyone (dead or alive) who would that person be and why?

Don’t forget to link up!


  1. Hahahahha! I really laughed when I saw your werewolf picture! Unfortunately, vampires can’t stay in sunlight >< And I don't think they'll rather feed off the fish. Too bad, or else I'll pack some of the vampires with me.

  2. Ha! I love that someone else mentioned MacGyver!!!

    You took a way better approach at this one than I did. I was too serious! 😛

    Nice answers Cambria!

  3. LOL! Great answers Cambria! I borrowed your smartphone answer, but the rest are soooo me. hehe I think you’ll even appreciate some of them 😉

  4. Hahahaha! Great answers, Cambria! Great choice with the werewolf. (I’m bringing a strong, handsome Boy Scout-type guy to do the same things for me. 😉 ) LOL Next week’s question looks good, too!

  5. Wow! This is already week 17! Looks like you went more for luxury than practical, good thinking. If I were you I would make that barista a hot werewolf a twofer….or at least make your barista super hot, sorry but that guy wouldn’t do it for me. Eye cream well that is good too but it better have sunscreen. I just hope you can get a signal with your iphone 🙂 Fun question! Happy Tuesday.

  6. Werewolf, nice choice 🙂
    Twilight, my ipod, cold beer, Edward Cullen (his cold skin would keep me cool under the desert sun) and sunglasses.

  7. Alright, I know it’s Wednesday, but I started it on Tuesday, early even, but I got busy, so stayed up late just to finish it. Please forgive me. 🙂

    P.S. Nice Werewolf. I thought about stealing your idea, but then I realized I’d be too worried about him eating me, if he got mad or really hungry. You’re braver than I. 🙂

  8. My 5 things are as follow:

    1) A boat. (Honestly, why does no one ever say that?!)
    2) My Kindle. (Because HELLO?!?! Why would I ever be stranded on an island w/o a book or 300 at my disposal?)
    3) A fishing pole. (I might be from the south, but I’m not all about hand-fishing. Sorry.)
    4) A tent. (Really, I’m not going to break my neck trying to build a shelter. It isn’t worth it.)
    5) A couple of changes of clothes. Underwear included. (Why would I want to be forced to wear the same thing every day?)

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