Welcome to my weekly meme Tell Me Something Tuesday where I ask you something and you tell me the answer!! It’s as simple as that and I thought it would be a great way for all of us bloggers to get to know one another! So this is how it works: I post a question here on my blog and then i give my answer. I invite all the bloggers to take the question and post it on their blog with their answer and we can hop around and see what everyone says! If you are a blogger don’t forget to leave your link at the bottom of this post! If you aren’t a blogger – that’s okay too!! Leave your answer in the comments section!

Tell Me Something:

Do you usually like the book better than the movie or the movie better than the book? What is your favorite book to movie adaptation you have ever seen?

My Answer:

I figured after wallomping myself last week with that hard question I would give myself a break with this week’s TMST post. LOL. This is an easy question to answer for me but I am really interested to hear your answers because I love to watch movies and I love to read.

For me personally, I usually like the book better than the movie when a book is adapted to film. I think that is because books have more time. More time to go into detail and the reader really gets to learn about the characters and get to know them. We learn about all those little things that make them real to us. (or to me, lol).

I will say that I DO like to watch movies adapted from books because its always nice to see the worlds I’ve imagined in my head up on screen, see them come to life. I like to see who is cast for the characters roles and see if they match what I imagined. Quite often the movies fall short of my expectations but that doesn’t really mean that I didn’t enjoy the movie.




There have been instances where I enojoyed the movie more than the book. Such as I am Number Four. I read the book then watched the movie and for some reason the book just didn’t draw me in like I thought it would. But it seemed so much more captivating on screen.








I also really enjoyed the adaptation of Pride and Prejudice. I thought Kiera Knightley and the entore cast was breathtaking and I was completely captivated while watching the movie. It’s definitely a movie I would watch again and again. 






Another movie adaptation I enjoyed was Beastly. This really pulled to my romance side. LOL. I was surprised I liked it because he looks so different in the movie than in the book. in the book be was more “beast – like” more Werewolfy…. LOL!!! BUt surprisingly I liked the way he looked in the movie too. It was different and unique.







     I have to admit that one of th most disapointing adaptations of a book that I have seen is Twilight. I really enjoyed reading the series and while I loved the setting of the movie some of the other aspects fell short for me. A lot of the cast just didn’t match what I saw in my head to what I saw on screen. I thought Robert Pattison looked the part and of course, I like Jacob. Bella looked the part too, but I wasn’t sure about her portrayl of Bella. I do think that the other Twilight movies have been a lot better but considering the high profile and popularity of this book I really thought that the first movie would be better.




So that is my answer for this week’s Tell Me Something Tuesday!! I cannot wait to read your answers!

Before I go I will post next week’s question:

Have you ever participated in a Book Club, Buddy Read or Read Along? Did you enjoy it? Why or Why not?

I will also be announcing something special next week so stay tuned!! (hint: it may or may not have to do with the question! lol)

I hope to see you all then!

Happy tuesday!



  1. Hi Cambria! Great answers this week! I agree with you about Twilight and also enjoyed the Kiera Knightly version of Pride and Prejudice (as you’ll see in my answer). I didn’t read I AM NUMBER FOUR though I loved the movie. And unfortunately, I missed Beastly altogether. Love this meme! 🙂

  2. I read beastly and really liked it so i was excited for the movie. Im glad you agree about Twilight! Lol. And i love this meme too- its really fun!!

  3. I couldn’t agree with you more on all of your answers Cambria! Perfect choices!!

  4. Cambria, how am I suppose to answer when you take mine? *pout* 😉 Except, I haven’t seen ‘I am Number Four’, although, I really want to, and I didn’t know that it and ‘Beastly’ were books.

    I’ll post again later when I have more to say than just ‘Ditto’.

    1. Post anytime you want! lol. And I am sorry I took all your answers!Ha ha ha ha.

      Yes, Beastly is written by Alex Flynn. It’s a pretty good book, I enjoyed it.

      I am number four was fairly popular but for some reason I didn’t get into it like I thought I would – but it was still a good story. I liked the movie though.

      Maybe some rainy lazt day you will get the chance to check them out!

      1. That’s alright! I found new ones. 🙂
        Also, I think I’ll dust off my library card and go check out those book. Thanks!

  5. I totally forgot to add Beastly I really did love the movie! I think i may have even liked it better than the book even though they were different like you said. I like how the movie was more modern. Great question 🙂

  6. Yep, I agree on Twilight, something about the bad acting I don’t know…it just didn’t work, Jacob is great though. I didn’t watch or read Beastly yet, looks like I need to check it out.

    1. Author

      Beastly was pretty good, I remember being drawn in when I was reading the book. Maybe you can check it out on a nice rainy day. 😉

  7. I’ve watched all the movies you mentioned but read none of the books. And I too agree that usually movies fall short of my expectations.

    1. Author

      Unfortunately I have to say that in most cases I agree. 😉 thanks for stopping by!

  8. Oh, I agree with you on I am Number Four. In the book, the climax was so long it gave me a headache. In the movie, though, it was enjoyable ;D
    I’m not much of a Twilight fan, but yeah, the movies disappointed me too. It’s like there was some spark missing in the story, that was never filled. o.O


    1. Author

      LOL Beatriz…. I felt the same about the climax in I am Number Four…. that actaully might make an interesting TMST question in the future…. lol.

  9. I haven’t read I AM Number Four but it’s on my TBR list. I liked the first Twilight movie; thought there was something hypnotizing about it. Maybe it’s the blue colour and beautiful music score running through it but I enjoyed it. One of the best books to movie translations I’ve seen is Interview With the Vampire. Though it changed parts of the book, the movie didn’t detract from the novel, if anything it enhanced it.

    1. Author

      Emma- I can understand what you mean about the hypnotizing in Twilight – even though I think its a poor representation of the book I still watch it from time to time. Probably for that same reason. maybe it is the color and music… the setting was gorgeous.

      I haven’t read interview with the vampire but I did like the movie.

  10. I’m with you on Pride and Prejudice! I adored the movie. Keira Knightley was amazing! Twilight- I actually liked the first movie. I think I’m the only one who did!

    1. Well, Cambria, I hope you’re happy, because my answer is a little too long to post as a comment, so I finally broke down, and decided to use my somewhat non-existent blog (I don’t use it very much). Enjoy!

      1. Sorry, didn’t mean to comment on your comment. Aw well. :/

  11. I slightly favor movies because you can actually see what is happening from the book, instead of just imagining it. I usually read books before movies come out. I Am Number Four the movie actually got me to read the book. The movie was amazing so I definitely had to see how the book was. My favorite will always be Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings. The settings, characters, everything is just so amazing in these movies. I actually have a thing with shows and books. Like Pretty Little Liars, Vampire Diaries, Secret Circle, The Lying Game, I love all those shows and have never read the books. Maybe one day though, I just don’t want to get ahead of the shows and find out something that isn’t suppose to be found out yet lol.

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